
Book cover
28 May 2016

I have been hoisted on my own petard. For decades now, I have assiduously ignored ninety-nine percent of all the rap music–an oxymoron if ever there was one–out there. And then came the publication of Notorious RBG...

The words Social Science 101
19 May 2016

Dear Mr. Holland: After studying and assessing your work this semester, it is with deep regret that I have to inform you that you failed Social Science Statistics 101.

As you know, you have characterized us as “conspiracy...

Book cover
16 May 2016

In so many ways, Dr. Damon Tweedy was fortunate. He grew up in an intact home with loving, strict, and steeped-in-the-church parents who were gainfully employed and taught him to aim high. Tweedy’s parents did not even finish high...

Cover of the book with picture of a guy voting on one side and a guy programming the voting machine to flip the vote on the other side
16 May 2016

Just because a crisis situation seems impossible to address effectively, there is no reason to give up, but every reason to keep wheels turning--inside out, as does this masterful dissection of elections and voting as a system between...

On April 21 students and workers held a rally outside the office of OSU president Michael Drake to demand an end to the university's efforts to privatize its workforce and energy system.
25 April 2016

Since the April 6 occupation of Bricker Hall, a coalition of student groups has kept up the pressure on the university to end its plans to privatize...


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