
18 April 2016



There are two things we all need to know about the upcoming 2016 election:


  1. Millions of likely Democratic voters have already been stripped from the voter rolls in critical states...

13 April 2016

This country has made remarkable progress on civil rights over our history. We’ve moved from slavery to segregation to equal rights under the law. African-Americans have gained the right to vote, the right to equal employment...

12 April 2016

o what happens if a campaign tries “disqualification” as a tactic?

Hillary Clinton and the Clinton campaign...

11 April 2016


The Democratic party is teetering on the brink.  The green/peace/social justice community needs a Plan C.  The Republicans have one.  The Democrats don’t.  The impacts could be catastrophic.  



06 April 2016
Streisand supports Clinton with unwarranted grievance

n her essay “Sexism in American Politics,”...

06 April 2016

"This investigation identified a complete breakdown of safety at Enbridge. Their employees performed like Keystone Kops and failed to recognize that their pipeline had ruptured and continued to pump crude into the...


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