
06 March 2016


I listened to Ralph Nader's Radio Program today.  He interviewed you and it was a fascinating conversation.     I know you will receive lots of comments, so I will make mine as short as possible.   The...
06 March 2016


I listened to Ralph Nader's Radio Program today.  He interviewed you and it was a fascinating conversation.     I know you will receive lots of comments, so I will make mine as short as possible.   The...
03 March 2016

Bring spray bottles of pink liquid to military recruitment offices and displays.
Spray them.
Tell potential recruits: Be all that you can be. And this could be you.

“Pink mist. That’s what...

03 March 2016


“Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” –Orwell

The U.S. government has reached the bottom of the barrel. Having packed every square inch of the National...

Vote button
02 March 2016

Washington, D.C., March 1, 2016 – The nationwide nonpartisan Election Protection voter hotline,...


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