
19 November 2003
This was an outstanding article: Harvey Wasserman

Bush to veterans: Drop Dead
November 12, 2003

I wished more journalists were just as brave, take their collective heads out of the sand, and tell it...
19 November 2003
Dear Free Press,

I've been traveling a lot lately and everywhere I go I've talked to people about our current administration. I've distilled my findings into the following verse:

Here is what I've learned in my...

19 November 2003
It should also be IMPEACHABLE for Bush to have buddies: Sequoia, Diabold, ES&S plus another can't remember to be having them manufacturing voting machines--

No Paper Trail (no printout)--We have to more fast to at...
19 November 2003
To the SEC
November 19, 2003

Re: Cover up of Enron facts while repealing the Public Utility Holding Company Act

On behalf of...
19 November 2003
Thank you for this article. I agree with the sentiments expressed and you brought to my attention additonal facts that I was unaware of. Regarding the issue of Bush donning a military uniform as a civilian, you omitted a comparison to...
24 October 2003
Regarding the article by Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis - (, October 21, 2003), some Republicans may be leaning towards fascism, but the majority of Democrats have been leaning towards socialism for many decades. Both...


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