
19 November 2003
Dear Free Press,

I've been traveling a lot lately and everywhere I go I've talked to people about our current administration. I've distilled my findings into the following verse:

Here is what I've learned in my...

19 November 2003
It should also be IMPEACHABLE for Bush to have buddies: Sequoia, Diabold, ES&S plus another can't remember to be having them manufacturing voting machines--

No Paper Trail (no printout)--We have to more fast to at...
19 November 2003
To the SEC
November 19, 2003

Re: Cover up of Enron facts while repealing the Public Utility Holding Company Act

On behalf of...
19 November 2003
Thank you for this article. I agree with the sentiments expressed and you brought to my attention additonal facts that I was unaware of. Regarding the issue of Bush donning a military uniform as a civilian, you omitted a comparison to...
19 November 2003
George Soros is dedicating his life to defeating George Bush. He feels that Bush has the same dangerous tendencies that Soros suffered, first under Hitler and then under the Soviets.

A belief that God is on your side,...
24 October 2003
Regarding the article by Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis - (, October 21, 2003), some Republicans may be leaning towards fascism, but the majority of Democrats have been leaning towards socialism for many decades. Both...


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