20 June 2003
Dear Senior Editor Wasserman:

What the heck are you smoking today?...You are off your rocker!! As an Arkansan, your support for the weenie Billy Boy is pathetic...I would have Bush ANY day in the White House over your beloved sicko...

20 June 2003
Is a certifiable nut.

G. T. Bedway
20 June 2003
I read your article and got a big "laugh". The truth is supposed to set you free....in your case Harvey you need to go back and check your facts and quit telling half-truths. Lenin is attributed to a quote that describes people like you...
10 June 2003
Dear Editor:

Our Democratic process is again vulnerable with the "Help America Vote Act." If computerized voting is enacted it is essential that the voting process be subject to great scrutiny as the opportunity for...
06 June 2003
To the editor,

President Glidden once again is failing to keep his promises to protect the Ridges, a state treasure of natural beauty in Athens with old forests, prairies and hilltops with grand vistas.

The OU Ecology...
27 May 2003
Thanks for the terrific article by Mr. Wasserman. A real honest comparrison to the "MATRIX". We need writers like him if there is any hope of saving our damaged nation.




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