20 June 2003
Nancy, Of ocurse, an excellent article by Wasserman. Thanks for sending it. However, W. made THE mistake that has been the curse of humankind since Day One. He misquotes Jesus with the statement, "You shall know the truth and the truth...
20 June 2003
Just a quick thanks and salute to Harvey Wasserman for the piece "Truth is the weapon of Bush's self-destruction: the Superpower of Peace has the ultimate force," which I first saw tonight on the Common Dreams site before I linked...
20 June 2003
Hi there,

I just wanted to say the article, "Truth is the weapon of Bush's self-destruction: the Superpower of Peace has the ultimate force", by Harvey Wasserman was great! I don't think I've ever seen so much truth in a single...

20 June 2003
Thank you Mr Wasserman for the outstanding article--I'm 70 and in all my memory no Pres has ever been like Bush--He has lied about everything--I blame the US press for not bringing these lies out in the open--the Brits are holding Blair's...
20 June 2003
thank you harvey wasserman - great essay. will be emailing this number to many.

one of the better tying together of a bunch of different elements i've seen lately.

mighty thoughtful.
20 June 2003
Dear Senior Editor Wasserman:

What the heck are you smoking today?...You are off your rocker!! As an Arkansan, your support for the weenie Billy Boy is pathetic...I would have Bush ANY day in the White House over your beloved sicko...


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