
05 September 2003
Is there any reason why H. Wasserman(in his "Bush to NY: Drop Dead) refers to the demise of the World Trade Center as 'explosions' and not an anti-US terrorist attack by Muslim extremists??? Yes I know why..LIBERAL SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03 September 2003
Dear Mr. Wasserman,

I'm in Baghdad, Iraq and I've just spent 2 days at seminars on democracy that I arranged with a couple of friends. As I'm immersed in this subject right now and as I was terribly moved watching the rapt attention my...

31 August 2003
Just saw Wasserman on Fox News.  What an idiot!!  To suggest that  putting solar panels on every building would somehow mitigate the type of blackout caused by the upset in the ancient  northeast power grid is just absurd.   What a jerk!!...
26 August 2003
Good Article!Yes, and there are literally dozens of free energy devices that work and would be available ..except for the suppression by death threats(for example Tom Brown' 50 Kilwatt nuclear battery which is completely safe using only a...
21 August 2003
Harvey Wasserman is an irresponsible journalistic hack at best. His uninformed and malicious viewpoints on the Bush Administration, nuclear power, and apparently the world in general need to be put in check. Could it be that too much...
18 August 2003
Dear Harvey Wasserman

Your critique of the "bogus fossil-nuke blackout" of Aug. 15th is totally bogus.  You need to go back to Energy 101 and learn that we have built and operated over 100 nuclear power plants over the last 30...


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