
24 September 2003
Mr. Wasserman has so aptly exposed the Arnold Schwarzenegger follies. What disturbs me is that this pseudo-actor idiot might win. However, since the Calif. economy is so bad, would he be re-elected, and can the Republicans really take...
24 September 2003
Your writings are truly the voice of the people who care.  The people who abhor the shambles created by the republicans. Thanks for being there! And your writing style is great!!
24 September 2003

         I love this line of thinking. It is obvious from your article that President Bush was indeed responsible for these attacks on 9/11 and we should launch an immediate attack on the White...
21 September 2003
In the end of the 19th Century  capatin Alfred Dreyfuss, the Jewish Employee of the French General Staff was arrested and accused of espionage and treason. It took twenty years to exonerate him and  restore him in his rights. He owed his...
20 September 2003
Dear Mr. Wasserman:

 I enjoy reading your articles very much.  I hope you will cover the subject of potential election fraud next year through the use of touch screen voting machines(AKA black box voting) and internet voting, including...

14 September 2003
Just wanted to say I was really impressed with the Farm Aid article by Harvey Wasserman.  It really rang true to me at each turn and I was also at almost everything he explained.  

If you'd like some pictures to go along...


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