
30 May 2004
Dear sir,

Re.: On the anniversary of defeat in Vietnam, it's once again about an empire getting its butt kicked by Harvey Wasserman

I visited Vietnam a couple of months after the reunification, as a member of a Norwegian...

30 May 2004
I notice that you, like just about so many these days, keep on ranting about Bush is to blame for this and Bush is to blame for that. Bush is to blame for just about everything, as if this dumbshit bastard was some kind of wizard with the...
30 May 2004
In George W. Bushes latest attack ad, he accuses John Kerry of “Playing politics with national security”.  Bush’s negative advertisement falsely states that Kerry wishes to repeal the use of wiretaps, subpoenas and surveillance against...
30 May 2004
I had meant to respond to Harvey Wasserman's May 5, 2004 "Put George W. Bush in Prison!!!" column that day, but I would have just made most of the same comments that follow with possibly a few other observations thrown in for lagniappe...
27 May 2004
When will the lights be turned on? For the past several months I have noted a large number of areas where the streetlights are not lit along stretches of West Broad Street and areas along North High Street. Of course, the City bureaucrats...
27 May 2004
The federal government is warning of increased terrorism threats this summer, saying it is highly likely that terrorists will try to strike at one of the season's major events, perhaps even at one of the political conventions. They...


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