I have just finished reading Mr. Wasserman's article and would like to comment on it. I live in Marshall, Texas, and was here during the Karla Fay Tucker episode. I recall vividly how angry and saddened I was at the treatment she...
18 May 2004
The blank document is the obvious retention of a progressive Ego. Not meant to represent the exactness of this perspective but a focus that makes a major circumstance understandable. At times I have experienced the bleak and harsh woe....
18 May 2004
Mr. Wasserman's column has crucially glaring omissions: GWB loves Jesus, is
an instrument of God, and is doing God's work so if you don't believe me,
just ask them. Sadly, possibly nothing in the column can likely be refuted:
18 May 2004
Whether one views the 9/11 "terrorist" attacks as blow
back, a wake-up call, or an unjustified outrage, they
have deeply affected the American psyche and our
attitudes toward war, the future, and the world. As a
historian trying to...
18 May 2004
I am a frustrated Australian. Apart from one or to journalists with the courage to print the truth, all our daily papers are nothing but mouth pieces supporting our governments participation in this sham. Harvey Wasserman's article...
15 May 2004
I guess his column draws readers and that's what you want. I see him
undermining the morale of our troops and the resolve of Americans in this
war on terrorism, a war that we did not start. Put any U.S. President in