Articles by Author

23 July 2007
America has played the role of the bull in the Iraqi china shop. It was inarguably not the most peaceful establishment in town to begin with; its “employees”...
11 July 2007
The Republican defense of President Bush’s commutation of Scooter Libby’s prison sentence in the main has been based on “Clinton did it first”, focusing...
03 July 2007
There are four words more dear to the soul of a Republican than any other. They express his or her deepest beliefs, their hopes for the future and their pride...
26 August 2006
During the Battle of Stalingrad, Soviet officers gave one inviolable order: not one step backward. Any soldiers who did retreat were shot down by their own...
15 August 2006
Having just viewed “V for Vendetta”, I feel stirred to release my own cinematic masterpiece, entitled “B for Bush Did It”. In this gripping saga, B is...
15 September 2005
President George W. Bush has consistently maintained that there is a link between the events of September 11, 2001 and the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein,...
