14 August 2007
I'm writing regarding Rhonda Lokeman's article, assumingly about Mitt Romney, titled "Big Love's Big Problem".  Although, I'm somewhat confused.  Governor Romney's name is mentioned a total of six times in the article, while the name of "...
14 August 2007
I am appalled at the article "Big love's big problem," by Rhonda Chriss Lokeman recently published at the Free Press. Mitt Romney very well may have a problem with the electorate because of his religion, but slandering him in such an...
13 August 2007
Dear All,

As a resident of Kent and citizen of Ohio I find this whole incident troubling.

A ticket for advertising on public property? How many tickets have been issued for people advertising yard/garage sales?...
13 August 2007
Ahmad Al-Akhras is the Vice Chair of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.  He resides in Columbus, Ohio and can be reached at ahmad@alakhras.org

It was shocking to hear...
01 August 2007
In your article "Will Bush Cancel the 2008 Election?" you call for "every possible scenario to be discussed" that can stop the theft of the 2008 election by Bush.   This is indeed an urgent call, as the Bushes have stolen not only...
30 July 2007
To the editor:

President Bush and many Republicans in Congress would still like to privatize Social Security. If even 1/3rd of the Withholding Tax is diverted to personal retirement accounts, the current Social Security Fund...


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