06 November 2007
Dear Editor:

Recently, I’ve watched the 2005 made-in-Nashville movie Neil Young: “Heart of Gold,” several times.

Divine! What a “Heart of Compassion.”  Thank you Canada.

Now, I understand why as a 19...
31 October 2007
I am amazed that anyone actually believes that, having systematically put in place the mechanisms for a dictatorship, Cheney et al. plan to simply hand all that over to someone else.

Does anyone really believe that there won't...
18 September 2007
It should be obvious to all, at this point, that President Bush's "strategy" in Iraq consists of little more than passing the whole sordid mess on to his successor, be they Democrat or Republican. Once he is out of office, he can blame...
24 August 2007
"To address the war in Iraq as unwinnable is ludicrous, the only issue is the resolve of the people and how many believe the misinformation pandered by the far left"  (Marty Scott, News & Advance, Aug. 22).

Contrary to...
15 August 2007
Worthless Currency

We all know why our presidential debates are worthless currency to the American people. 

We all know that the opinions the candidates will voice are calculated not to offend the contributions...
14 August 2007
Dear Harvey:  You flight of imagination is only matched by those who said that the price of gasoline would be manipulated downwards to re-elect George Bush in the last election or that Osama Bin Laden would be “captured” just before the...


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