
25 March 2004
I want to thank Bob Fitrakis for putting the truth out there to the American public about the agenda of the right to alter our elections secretly via paperless electronic voting machines.

I am an activist that opposed evm...
21 March 2004
The reason you can't just print up some money on the office copier is because it reduces the value of all other money. What this means is that money isn't private property, but a form of public commons, just like the road system. What is...
21 March 2004
Here is an idea for the DNC,,

Tell the state legislatures that if paper-trail audits are not implemented BEFORE the 2004 election, then they will encourage all Democratic and Independent voters to...
20 March 2004
If Ohio has touch screen voting in the presidential election, I will promptly request an Absentee ballot.  That tip should be passed on to others who fear paperless ballots.

20 March 2004
Thanks for the update!  Taken out, a la Paul Wellstone, JFKjr...who's next?  Kerry.

John Lamenzo
        Santa Fe, NM

Editor's note: To read more about TruVote, Athan Gibbs, and electronic voting,...
18 March 2004
*  i live in brasil and was an election observer for their 2002 general election.  they use an electronic touch screen that also gives a paper record and a recorded diskette.  i was amazed at the ease of use and the redundancies to...


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