bush may have inherited a slight recession, but he turned it into a depression by turning a surplus into a deficit, shifting the tax burden onto middle american consumers, encouraging corruption, escalating income stratification, running...
23 February 2004
It has occurred to me that President George W. Bush would be a shoo-in to play any of the main characters in The Wizard of Oz. I am sure the part of Scarecrow (If I only had a brain) has already popped into the minds of everyone reading...
23 February 2004
Mr. Wasserman,
Nice piece: www.truthout.org/docs_04/021904I.shtml.
Though friends roll their eyes, I've never doubted for a moment in the
past 2.5...
23 February 2004
This is the worst piece of garbage I have seen yet about Pres. Bush.
23 February 2004
We have just completed a year of defensive war pitting America and the
civilized world against Islamist fascist terrorists. While the war
officially began on September 11th, 2001 it has been raging as a slow
bloodletting for at...