
23 February 2004
As usual, Wasserman is wrong, wrong, wrong. George W. Bush is not the worst president ever. He is one of the best presidents. Wake up and smell the bong water.

22 February 2004
Many thanks to Harvey for the "Bush wins Triple Trifecta as worst president ever" article.

"Bush's "No Tree Left Standing" attack on Mother Earth..." in every sense of the words that make up that statement, is the literal...
22 February 2004
Mr Wasserman, you have no idea how very much my family, friends and I appreciate your February 16th article: "Bush wins Triple Trifecta as the worst president ever". With misinformation [and disinformation] running rampant in the media...
18 February 2004
Mr. Wasserman: I started reading your "online" newsletter-rant" (I'm not sure what you call it), last year after you were interviewed on the "Jefferson Exchange" with Jeff Golden, from Ashland, Oregon,  a public radio station.  Nonetheless...
16 February 2004
Dear Free Press,

Although I agree with the underlying sentiment of Patrick's letter, I don't think it's feasible. If the U.N. was going to isolate by force every country that has a conflict with it's neighbors or an internal...

16 February 2004
Dear Free Press,

Not only that, there are roughly the same number of women's breasts on this planet as people. How can it be obscene to see something that half the human race actually have two of, and the other half were...


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