
28 February 2004
The electronic result inside the  Diebold voting machine is not sufficiently trust-worthty to be an official result.

We do NOT want a paper-"TRAIL", ...We want  Paper to be the PRIMARY document that becomes the Official...
28 February 2004
Regarding Bob Fitrakis's article on the Diebold (and other) Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting machines that the US Government is trying to foist on the American public.

It is very important to not get the wool...
26 February 2004
A vote for Ralph Nader is a vote for a message, not the presidency.

The Nader campaign platform contains many good and attractive points. His focus on improving the conditions of Americans by way of better access to health...
25 February 2004
Dr. Fitrakis,

I'm not sure this is your correct e-mail address, but in case it is, I wanted to briefly give you a few facts related to your portrayal of my company's role with the State of Maryland's voting system.


25 February 2004

Just thought I'd say that I worked on ATM systems at a major bank when I was younger. I was there until they changed out the old 910 models for the 911 ATMs. ATMs haven't changed much in the last 15 - 20 years. Remarkably little...

25 February 2004
Franklin Delano Roosevelt must be turning in his grave. Entitlement programs, hogwash. Medicare, phooey. Medicaid, who the hell cares? After-school programs, let them take care of themselves. Social Security, let 'em cake. The New Deal is...


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