10 February 2005
Dear Editor:

I shudder to think what Gov. Taft's state of the state address is going to be like. From hearing Pres. Bush's state of the union address, he and the Republicans (The real "Evil Empire") didn't mention one word about jobs,...

08 February 2005
It is time that the Karl Roves and Dick Cheneys take their place on center stage of the Bush puppeteer and puppet show. Bush is the puppet. Jumping and frilling about in the stick while the brains of Roves and Cheney’s are during the day-...
07 February 2005
Dear Mr. Waserman,

Your column is so on the money!  I believe Bush even concieves of himself as Caesar. Even John McLaughlin on his show; McLaughlin Group, this Friday posed the same idea that the aim is to kill Social Security not to...

06 February 2005
To the Editor - Dear Friend:

The Senate’s confirmation yesterday (2/4/05) of Alberto Gonzales, the torture lawyer, not only marks the most shameful low in the history of the U.S. Senate, but it clearly violates the Eighth Amendment...

05 February 2005
Since 1913 a progressive federal income tax system has been in place, with tax rates increasing as income rises. The top marginal tax rates resulting from the costs incurred by World War I were at, or about, 70%. From 1925-1931, the years...
05 February 2005

I just read your article "Seige Heil:  The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus and the Destabilization of California," first published 10/6/03, written by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, online and you are to be applauded. ...


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