06 December 2004
I received an e-mail highlighting your site -- which I have visited before, calling attention to the Ohio article.

My comments:

1)  I am troubled by the way people on the "left" bash each other in public.  The "...
06 December 2004
Dr. Fitrakis,

Thank you so much for investigating and writing about vote suppression and fraud.  I keep hearing the Republicans preach the demise of the Democratic party as though it goes without saying that the majority of voters...

03 December 2004

I read the article "Disinformation and depleted uranium" by Tadit Anderson with interest, as I've just completed a course in radiation protection for biomedical use here in France. As usual for the articles posted at the Free...

03 December 2004
There is an old saying that hypocrisy is the tribute that vice makes to virtue. By that definition, Republican Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota has delivered a magnificent tribute with his demand for full disclosure of details of the so-...
03 December 2004
Harvey Wasserman & Bob Fitrakis,

" . . . will the Democrats now stand and fight? . . . "

The Ds didn't fight in 2000.
What reason is there to think they will in 2004?

Gore conceeded.
Never could...

02 December 2004
How about some "Glimmers of Sanity" in the U.S.?  In your editorial (Nov.30) you discuss the fraudulent outcome of the elections in the Ukraine, but inexplicably, there has been very little mention of  mounting allegations of fraud and...


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