
28 November 2004
My sister’s German Shepherd Kendra attacks her plate of food every morning and evening. She leaves not a crumb untouched. Everything on the plate is hers by divine right, and should anyone approach while she is wolfing down her meal, they...
25 November 2004
Colin Powell (November 24, 2004), US Secretary of State tells the Ukraine to recount their recent election!! (Associated Press Published November 24, 2004) This is no joke. It seems that Powell was sent the Ukraine by our Commander and...
25 November 2004
Dear Editor,  

While I am certain that Republican election officials did everything they could do to prevent Democrats from voting, as far as I know they didn’t stop people from reading their election materials at home and marking their...

25 November 2004
Hi friends,

i was reading this article and i came across an interesting statement from blackwell's...

23 November 2004
We can not claim to be a legitimate democracy unless each voters intensions are acurately reflected in the vote totals. Please do what you can to insure that this is the case. The hopes of the world are with you.

23 November 2004
Dear Bob Fitrakis,

Please take whatever steps are necessary to ensure a fair accounting of the votes in Ohio for the recent presidential election. Evidence is mounting of various voting irregularities in Ohio (and elsewhere), and it...


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