21 November 2004
Much has been written about America’s role as the world’s policeman-that it is a part no one has asked us to play, that we do so ineptly, etc. But even a cursory examination of the behavior of the United States for the past three years...
21 November 2004
In all the fulsome talk about rigged elections, I never see mention of a new election. The people who rig elections are not going to stop work when a new count is ordered; they'll rig that, too. The only way to be sure is to redo the...
20 November 2004
I voted for Peroutka. I didn't want either one of the creeps. But how is it that you just don't understand that the "two-party system" is a joke on you and the rest of us?

Don't you get it? Both candidates are members of the...
20 November 2004
What is inspiring people throughout the United States to consider emigrating to places like Canada and Sweden is the fact that more Americans than not support what Bush is doing throughout the world, and to people and their rights right...
20 November 2004
Liberal piece of shit. Time is short. You fuckers lost. Fantastic. Get over it.

20 November 2004
Regarding this quote from freepress.org/departments/display/19/2004/900

 "The reason that slightly fewer were processed per machine in high-...


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