17 November 2004
I've been doing my own analysis of the Florida election data today comparing 2004 results for President to the 2000 results and also to the increase in registration for Dems and Repubs between 2000 and 2004.

The stuff about...
15 November 2004
I just finished reading None dare call it voter suppression and fraud by Bob Fitrakis.  

I really enjoyed the piece and appreciate all the supporting facts Mr Fitrakis used.  Too bad we can't get the major TV networks to do any...
15 November 2004
Your paper is awesome! Your news is accurate! Your columns are honest! Thank YOU Free Press.

14 November 2004
This following is a copy of the email that I sent to various news organizations and personal friends on November 3rd, 2004.

Yesterday, I served at the polls.  Three disturbing events occurred.  First situation: a Hispanic...
14 November 2004
Dear Harvey,

Thanks for hitting the issue head-on.  I DO feel betrayed. When the judges allowed stand-by Republicans to challenge voters standing in line, I KNEW it was Florida repeated. Send me in the right direction.  Who do I support...

13 November 2004
Mr. Wasserman:

No need for confusion here: (1) Web articles clearly demonstrate to anyone with the intelligence of a Teddy Bear that Kerry "threw" the Election.

(2) Articles state that he will be walking off into the mists...


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