Why is it the press in foreign lands like Australia or
New Zealand are more into our election than we are?
Why is it you can only see or hear this discussion
overseas and not on CNN, the networks or anywhere else
in this country? Not...
05 November 2004
Dear FreePress,
I am writing you to convey a feeling of hopelessness and deep sadness for our country since the election. I am a member of a family of three, a contributor to society, a taxpayer, a moral citizen. I am a gay...
I am writing you to convey a feeling of hopelessness and deep sadness for our country since the election. I am a member of a family of three, a contributor to society, a taxpayer, a moral citizen. I am a gay...
05 November 2004
I found it remarkable that on election night and the morning after, that pretty much each and every network that I watched, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS... each engaged in handwringing and wondered aloud "How could our exit polls have been...
04 November 2004
Dear John:
Hey, buddy, I just thought I would drop you a line and share a few thoughts, ask a question or two. I want to understand what has just happened to you, and I want you to understand what this means to all of us who supported...
04 November 2004
Dear Molly,
It is now November 3rd and we are faced with the horror of four more years of Bush. I firmly believe that there will be a reactivation of the draft, no matter what Bush said while campaigning. I have a sixteen year old son...