
03 November 2004
America is in full-scale retrograde.

The recent so-called "election" of George W Bush in the USA signals plainly that America is too be taken down by force. The puppeteers behind the New World Order have determined that America will be...

01 November 2004
Three simple rules for voting this November 2; assuming of course that you want your vote to count, and to count for whom you support:

1.                  If challenged by “watchers”, ignore them and go straight to the...
31 October 2004
"It's not about the sex, it's about the lying."
"Integrity matters."
"We must restore the dignity of the office."
"Truth is the glue that holds government together." Gerald Ford 1974
"We found the weapons of mass...
31 October 2004
Wake up America! If you want four more years of George W. Bush (based on his previous four years), here's what you can expect:

Four more years of uncontrolled spending and trillion-dollar-plus deficits.
Four more...
28 October 2004

Please have more journalistic integrity than to say that you have found a dozen ways that Bush is personally stealing the election in Ohio. The complaints you have listed concern local election processes. I wouldn't be so...

27 October 2004
Once we understand that The White House neo-conservatives will do anything to win the re-election, we can see that they will borrow activities from agitation/propaganda history.  These are very competitive people who value winning above...


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