Older woman standing by an electronic voting machine
20 April 2018


Husted, Counties Sued to Prevent Planned Destruction of Election Records

Columbus, OH, April 20, 2018 – Ohio voters are suing Secretary of State Jon Husted and the...

Words TrustVote report with checkmark and words Bob Fitrakis with eagle in the background
18 March 2018

Ohio’s decision to buy new voting machines will make the difference between hackable -- or less-hackable elections.

Let’s begin by stating the obvious: All computer voting machines can be hacked!

We remember when Ohioans...

Man in a suit with a huge elephant head pointing at a green blackboard that has words about voter suppression
18 January 2018

See the video

The US Supreme Court may be about to make a second Trump term inevitable.

The nine "Justices" have just heard oral arguments in...

Close up of black man's face with wire rimmed glasses, a moustache and a worried or scared look as he looks up
07 January 2018

Resident Donald Trump’s highly criticized so-called Election Integrity Commission, looking into supposed “voter fraud,” was disbanded Wednesday, January 3. The Commission was forged by fire in the tweets of Trump and his bizarre claim...

Photo of men and women posing and facing the camera all wearing long black robes in front of a dark red curtain
07 January 2018

Millions of Ohio voters have tried to vote on Election Day over the past 15 years only to find their names were erased from the pollbooks.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)...

11 December 2017

While the whole world watches Tuesday’s Alabama US Senate election, race-based battles behind the scenes could decide the outcome.

They focus on likely ...


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