
30 August 2024

Time is running out for Kamala Harris to distance herself from U.S. policies that enable Israel to continue with mass murder and...

29 August 2024
Trump: Jee whiz, I only have my picture taken at the grave site of a fallen soldier with the family. 
Siri: Arlington Cemetery is supposed to be a hallow and secret place like the USS Arizona memorial.
26 August 2024

This is painful. This is horrible and feels a bit like a betrayal. But I have no choice. Bobby Kennedy Jr. was my friend and co-author. We wrote stories together for Rolling Stone. Bobby introduced my New York Times...

24 August 2024

There are some simple truths surrounding all the nonsense being spewed by Israel’s agents and its cheerleaders in the United States, Canada, Europe as well as elsewhere in the Anglophone world....

15 August 2024

After the Democrat in the White House decided not to run for reelection, the vice president got the party’s presidential nod -- and continued to back the administration’s policies for an unpopular war. As the election neared, the...

12 August 2024
Any Way You Cut it, Any Poll You Read, Any Millennial You Talk to, Woman You Listen to, or Person of Color Who Trusts You — Everyone Already Knows the Historic Shift That Has Taken Place.

From Abortion to Climate, from Guns to Gays,...


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