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CICJ/Free Press Donation
Support the Free Press' investigative reporting, exposure of election fraud, and training of budding new journalists in 2011. It is published by a 501(c)3 organization, the Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism.

Donations to the Free Press are tax deductible.
If you prefer, you can make out a check to the
"Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism"
and send it to:

The Free Press
1021 E. Broad St.
Columbus, Ohio 43205


The Election Software Project (ESP) to protect free and fair elections by paying attention to the software used to count votes. An article explaining the project is here.
Following success in 2020, the ESP will be active in 2022 and beyond and will appreciate your support. Donations are tax deductible.
Click the Donate button or QR below, or read QR with your device or click here.

Donate Button with Credit Cards

Green Grass Roots Emergency Election Protection Coalition
The GREEN GRASSROOTS EMERGENCY ELECTION PROTECTION COALITION (GREEP) is built around a national network of organizers, activists, journalists, researchers and others working to guarantee a free and fair elections.

We created The People's Hub for Grass Roots Democracy Organizing featuring 50+ Democracy Focused Organizations that inspire us, offer ways to get involved in different types of Election Activism, and provide links to independent Democracy Media. We also meet weekly on ZOOM calls with invited thought leaders and experts discussing the political and environmental issues critical to grassroots democracy and green energy. The calls are open to all, are broadcast, and can also be viewed afterwards in GREEP's Zoom Archives. We are grass roots funded.

Donations are tax deductible.

Donate Button with Credit Cards



  The Strip & Flip Disaster of America's 2016 Election Five Jim Crows and Electronic Election Theft
Updated"Trump" Edition of Strip & Flip Selection of 2016
$18 paperback book or $3 for eBook


Even the conservatives called the first edition of "The Strip and Flip Selection of 2016" a must-read: "Robert Fitrakis Professor of Political Science in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at Columbus State Community College has written a must-read book on the strip and flip technique used to rig these voting machines." This new edition adds additional essays including post-2016 election information concerning Jill Stein's historic recount of the key three states with suspicious numbers in the general election. The book also includes new commentary and analysis U.S. elections, Russian hacking, and the Trump presidency.

Buy the Print book online

Buy the E-book Online


 Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, THE STRIP & FLIP SELECTION OF 2016: Five Jim Crows & Electronic Election Theft
CICJ Books 15$


A "...masterful dissection of elections and voting as a system between the Civil War and today. Quite a time period to cover in less than 100 pages, but authors Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman face this challenge, prefaced and introduced by the famed author and investigative reporter Greg Palest and actress and activist (head of Progressive Democrats of America) Mimi Kennedy." ~ Marta Steele.


Buy online or send a check for $15 to: CICJ Books, 1021 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43205

Buy the print book online


 Corporate Vote Theft & the Future of American Democracy, by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman with Gerry Bello : $4.99 e-book (print $15.00)


Fitrakis & Wasserman are "the Woodward & Bernstein of the 2004 Election" --Rev. Jesse Jackson


From the Introduction by Greg Palast: "After reading through, 'Will the GOP Steal the 2012 Election?' I am knocked over by their erudition, authoritative analysis, stunning and ill-making revelations and irrefutable evidence of a national emergency: Grand Theft Election." 340 pages.

Please give us up to 24 hours to send you an email with a link to the e-book.

Buy the e-book


Buy the paperback book




 Grassroots, Geeks, Pros and Pols, by Marta Steele: $20


Marta Steele set out with the nearly impossible task of writing the definitive historical narrative of the folly of electronic voting in the United States between 1988 and 2008. She accumulated mountains of incidences that show the so-called "red shift" in favor of the Republican Party is not an anomaly or computer "glitch," but evidence that there is systematic tampering of computerized voting machines by private companies connected to the Republican Party.


From Greg Palast: "While Grassroots, Geeks, Pros, and Pols has the heft and footnotes of an academic treatise, it's a fun read.  Suggestion: take a double of Felipe II with you into this zoo of miscreants, and savor the dark humor of one method of vote heist after another.  Here is the line-up of ballot burglars who think democracy is a safe to be cracked. Bless Marta Steele for setting off the burglar alarm." 541 pages.


CICJ Election Protection and Litigation
The Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism, a 501(c)3 organization, is spearheading the efforts to investigate the election irregularities and initiate litigation to contest the election results in Ohio. Support our work by donating today!

Donations to CICJ are tax deductible.

If you prefer, you can make out a check to the
"Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism"
and send it to:

The Free Press
1021 E. Broad St.
Columbus, Ohio 43205


 Election Defense Alliance (EDA)
Election Defense Alliance (EDA) is a participatory organization of citizens collaborating at the local, state, and national levels to defend against electoral theft, establish transparent vote counting, and ensure that governments accountable to the people are legitimately elected.

Election Defense Alliance (EDA) seeks to expose election fraud and restore electoral integrity as the foundation of American democracy.

Achieving open and transparent vote-counting is of vital importance to all of us and to the survival of our democracy.

The resistance, as we have seen, is astonishing. So must be our effort and our determination. Please support this important work.

If you wish to pay by check, Make checks payable to CICJ - EDA and mail to:

  • Election Defense Alliance
    P.O. Box 3152
    Culver City, CA 90231-3152

Fiscal Sponsor: Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism


 Citizens for Election Reform
The pivotal 2004 presidential election convinced Joan Brunwasser and Citizens for Election Reform of the connection between a broken election system, a dysfunctional, corporate media and a total lack of campaign finance reform. Over the years, Brunwasser has interviewed many election integrity activists. More recently, she has enlarged the parameters of her OpEdNews interviews to include whistle-blowers and others who offer an alternate voice from that presented by the mainstream media. She features people in the arts as well as progressive activists and ordinary folks who are striving to make a difference. In these trying times, if Joan can keep even one of her fellow citizens going another day, she considers her job well done.

Pay through Paypal below or make out a check to "CICJ - CER" and mail to:
Citizens for Election Reform
c/o Joan Brunwasser
9201 N Drake Ave. ,#207s
Evanston, IL 60203
Or send it to our fiscal sponsor, specifying CER as recipient:

Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism
1021 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43205




 As Goes Ohio: Election Theft Since 2004, by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman: $15
As Goes Ohio, so goes our nation politically. This book is a compilation of investigative reports from Ohio's leading online investigative newspaper -- Award-winning journalists Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman testified before Congress on the evidence of election fraud and theft following the 2004 presidential election. For the first time, their post-election online investigative reports are in print. Revelations regarding the CIA's connection to "computer voting," the criminal destruction of voting records, and the bizarre world of Ohio politics is gathered here. The text includes an extensive overview of the corruption of Ohio elections and a conclusion that offers concrete reforms for making our elections fair and transparent.




 What Happened in Ohio? A Documentary Record of Theft and Fraud in the 2004 Election, by Bob Fitrakis, Steven Rosenfeld, and Harvey Wasserman: $10 SPECIAL through
Published by The New Press

In the first comprehensive look at the most critical state's voting process in the 2004 presidential election, three pathbreaking investigative journalists (one a member of the legal team that sued the state of Ohio for election fraud), compile documentary evidence of massive potential theft and fraud in the presidential vote problems that may have changed the outcome of the presidential election in Ohio, and thus the nation.

What Happened in Ohio? includes trucking receipts that show voting machines were pulled back from minority districts; ballots that contain evidence of tampering; mathematical analysis demonstrating the statistical impossibility of voting totals; testimonials from hundreds of voters, campaign workers, and poll workers about conditions that effectively disenfranchised thousands of voters; copies of flyers instructing Democrats to "vote on Wednesday"; official letters sent to tens of thousands of longtime voters incorrectly informing them they had been deemed "inactive" and ineligible to vote; photos taken of the original exit poll data broadcast on election night before it was retroactively "corrected" by the networks; and much, much more.

For anyone suspicious of the Ohio vote, here's the evidence you've been waiting for.



 Against All Odds: The Struggle to Save the Ridges - $15
by Chad Kister

Against All Odds: The Struggle to Save the Ridges is an inspiring story that can bring insights to assist efforts to preserve land, combat climate change or any other nonviolent cause.

"I was grabbed from the first page. Few young whippersnappers can pull off an adventure this thrilling with such charming and refreshing naivete and later write about it like an old pro. His masterful story-telling ability riveted me to the book. By the end I realized I had gained so much insight into the politics of oil exploration in this contended wilderness. I can't wait to see what's next from this new young writer." - Bernd Hindrich, author of New York Times besteller Ravens in Winter.





 Cheated! The Comic: Wake Up and Save Your Country, Written by Sheri Leigh Myers, Illustrated by Sophie Goldstein: $10

"Cheated!" draws from video and photographs to illustrate the story of the courageous citizens of Columbus, Ohio, who investigated and litigated against the massive voter suppression and fraud they experienced on Election Day, November 2, 2004.

We begin on Election Day, November 2nd, in urban Columbus. Rain pours on unbelievably long lines of citizens at the polls determined to vote for change...





 HELP AMERICA VOTE...ON PAPER --A citizen call for election integrity: $10

An empowering, fast-moving 18-minute briefing on the dangers to democracy posed by privately owned electronic voting machines, what patriotic citizens, activists and officials of all parties are doing about it - and how you can help. Includes dramatic documentary footage and interviews with Dolores Huerta, election lawyers Lowell Finley and John Eichorst, and Congresswomen Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, Lynn Woolsey and Cynthia McKinney. Produced by EON - the Ecological Options Network in cooperation with and Mainstreet Moms -

"'Help America Vote ... on Paper' is a clear, concise compilation of the many serious, disturbing flaws in our election processes, and of the out-sourcing of the American elections process to vendors of questionable qualifications and character."
-- A. J. Devies Board Member, Florida Fair Elections Coalition





 The Fitrakis FIles: Cops, Cover-Ups & Corruption - $15
by Bob Fitrakis

In this sixth volume of "The Fitrakis Files," columnist and investigative reporter for the Columbus Free Press and Columbus Alive Bob Fitrakis exposes the corruption that law enforcement officials and politicians cover up. In a state legendary for its "pay-to-play" system and ruling kleptocracy, Fitrakis ties many of Ohio's leading figures to outrageous scandals. Included in this compilation is the award-winning true crime story "The Shapiro Murder File." The power brokers of Columbus thought they had destroyed the secret file that reveals the web of organized crime in the state capitol.




 The Idea of Democratic Socialism in America and the Decline of the Socialist Party, by Robert J. Fitrakis - $20
CICJ Books, Columbus, Ohio 1993. 362 pp.
This classic study traces the history of the Socialist Party of America from its foundation in 1901 until the collapse at the end of 1972, when the last leader, Michael Harrington, left the party to start a new organization, the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee. The essential relationship in the history of the Socialist Party has been that between its radical strategy and the faith its adherents placed in the party. Focusing on the three successive leaders, Eugene Debs (1855-1926), Norman Thomas (1884-1968) and Michael Harrington (1928-1989), and their varying policies, the text concludes that the Socialist Party was "peculiarly dependent upon its political activism and electoral crusades."

For more information about Dr. Fitrakis, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.






 How the GOP stole America's 2004 election and is rigging 2008, by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman: $12
The "Woodward & Bernstein of the 2004 Election"
-- Rev. Jesse Jackson

A Special Investigative Report Revealing Massive Voter Theft, Fraud and Illegalities in Ohio's Presidential Balloting

The theft of the 2004 election has been catalogued, footnoted and thoroughly documented in more than 180 bullet points compiled by the Ohio-based investigative reporters in their shocking new compendium. The special digest may serve as the touchstone for all future coverage of the 2004 campaign and vote count in the lead-up to 2008.

For more information about Dr. Fitrakis, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.

For more information about Mr. Wasserman, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.




 Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election? Ohio's Essential Documents, by Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman and Steve Rosenfeld (767 pages) - Special price: $25
This collection of news analysis, legal documents and sworn statements from suppressed and disenfranchised voters may very well tilt the balance in revealing the election fraud in Ohio during the 2004 election. Foreword by Rev. Jesse Jackson.

For more information about Dr. Fitrakis, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.

For more information about Mr. Wasserman, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.





The Fitrakis Files: Star Wars, Weather Mods & Full Spectrum Dominance, by Bob Fitrakis - $15
In this collection of columns and investigative reports, award-winning journalist Bob Fitrakis exposes the U.S. military's plans for "full spectrum dominance," the race to militarize space and efforts to use mother nature as a weapon of mass destruction. It is a bleak vision of future warfare where mere bullets and bombs will be child's play. Preface by Terrence Edward Paupp. Includes full text of the U.S. Space Command's report "Joint Vision for 2020."

For more information about Dr. Fitrakis, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.




 The Fitrakis Files: The Brothers Voinovich and the Ohiogate Scandal , by Bob Fitrakis - $15
"Fitrakis holds everyone's feet to the fire with hard-hitting prose, exhaustive research." -- Ohio Society of Professional Journalists, awarding "The V [Voinovich] Report" first place for Best Coverage of Government.

From a Cleveland construction company to county jail contracts to the Governor's mansion to the U.S. Senate, investigative reporter Bob Fitrakis, Ohio's most feared muckraker, is on the trail of the Brothers Voinovich and the Ohiogate scandal.

For more information about Dr. Fitrakis, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.




 The Fitrakis Files: A Schoolhouse Divided, by Bob Fitrakis - $15
Ohio's most feared journalist is going back to school! In his third volume of "The Fitrakis Files," award-winning investigative reporter and watchdog Bob Fitrakis sinks his teeth into the inequalities of public education. In a state where the education funding system has been repeatedly declared unconstitutional, Fitrakis finds urban school districts bitterly divided along racial lines, with up to 40 percent of the kids from affluent neighborhoods being shipped out to the suburbs, while the school board is mired in scandal and stymied by political jockeying. There are no winners at these schools -- and the biggest losers are the kids, who are being taught all the wrong lessons about the importance of education. For more information about Dr. Fitrakis, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.

Read the review of the book by Jeff Winbush.




 The Fitrakis Files: Spooks, Nukes and Nazis, by Bob Fitrakis - $15
Free Press editor, CSCC professor and activist Bob Fitrakis has selected some of his most probing and insightful articles for publication in this new book. For more information about Dr. Fitrakis, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.

Read a review of the book.




 The Fitrakis Files: Free Byrd and other Cries for Justice, by Bob Fitrakis - $15
On February 19, 2002, John William Byrd, Jr. was executed in Ohio's Lucasville death house for a crime that he insisted he did not commit. There was no physical evidence connecting Byrd to the murder, and the only direct evidence against him was the word of a notorious jailhouse snitch, himself a violent felon. Bob Fitrakis, award-winning investigative reporter closely followed the case to the end. This book includes his reports on the Byrd case along with other dispatches from the inner recesses of the prison-industrial complex.

Read the review by Staughton Lynd




 Imprison George W. Bush: Commentary on Why the President Must Be Indicted - $15
If you're mad about the 2004 election, make yourself happy by picturing Dubya handcuffed and doing the perp walk... then go out and do something about it!

Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis would love to see George W. Bush tried as a war criminal. The authors lay out the case on why our president must be indicted in this freshly-edited compendium of columns published in The Free Press. The case is easier to understand as five Free Press illustrators and cartoonists remind us why Bush critics chant, 'Four more wars.'

For more information about Dr. Fitrakis, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.

For more information about Mr. Wasserman, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.




 George W. Bush vs The SuperPower of Peace - $15

How a failed Texas oilman hijacked American democracy and terrorized the world.

Featuring A Prayer for America by Congressman Dennis Kucinich.

For those who love liberty and cherish peace, these are dark days. In this collection of essays spanning the last three years, columnists Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis chart the rise of the Bush Junta, the Republican overthrow of American democracy, the suppression of civil rights, the destruction of the environment in the interest of oil-industry profits, and the continuing threat to world peace posed by fundamentalist right-wingers.

But there is hope -- and it begins with the Truth found within these pages. Truth can crush tyrants, kick down prison doors and walk the world back into the sunshine of freedom. Bush himself has handed an organized, focused and optimistic SuperPower of Peace the tools it needs to get stomping.

For more information about Dr. Fitrakis, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.

For more information about Mr. Wasserman, view his bio in the Columns section of this website.

Read a review of the book by Tribune Media Services
Read a review of the book by Martin Yant
Read a review of the book from Read These






 'Blacklisted News: Secret Histories from Chicago to 1984, by The Yippie Book Collective - $15
All the news that was important enough to ignore.




 Libby's Monument, manuscript by James Beoddy - $10
Free Press cartoonist and infamous Central Ohio artist James Beoddy's reflection on life in Columbus' cultural underground and the meaning of the late great Free Press editor Libby Gregory.