
25 June 2005
It’s time we all get together on the same page and talk to our representatives about a problem we have in this country. This problem is rooted in ignorance and it is made worse by irresponsible policymakers. I’m talking about the fight to...
17 June 2005
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders urged state and municipal governments to maintain access to medical marijuana, in accord with democratically enacted local laws, despite the Supreme Court's ruling on June 6 in favor of federal...
21 March 2005
Senate Bill 8, introduced by Jeff Jacobson (R-6th District) and Steve Austria (R-10th District), would make illegal operating a vehicle if virtually any amount of a controlled substance or metabolite of a controlled substance is present in...
21 March 2005
Senator Bob Hagan (D-33rd District) introduced Senate Bill 74 which would allow doctors to recommend marijuana in certain cases, including with patients who suffer from HIV/AIDS, glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, nausea or chronic pain...
01 December 2004
Voters nationwide approved numerous ballot proposals liberalizing marijuana laws, including a statewide measure in Montana legalizing the use of medicinal cannabis for medical purposes, and a citywide proposal in Oakland mandating...
23 May 2004
Laws regarding marijuana sale, possession and cultivation vary greatly from state to state. While federal laws such as the Controlled Substances Act and the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 have sought to...


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