
05 April 2003
These are very frightening times for our children, our country, the world, our future as a people. President Bush is a leader who is driven by a world view of black and white, evil Vs good. He has no appreciation of the diversity of...
04 April 2003
Thousands of entities accross America have used the 911 tragedy. Unless you are blind, deaf, stupid, or Republican, it is clear Washington has used the 911 tragedy to promote fear, terror, incite the passions of the people and cover up...
27 March 2003
Here is the my letter to the editor sent to the Canton Repository and several others today in response to several letters recently printed accusing those involved in the Peace effort as being "comrades of Saddam", and "America haters". 3/...
25 March 2003
Dear Columbus Police:

I was disturbed to hear that the Columbus Free Press reported that the Columbus Police Department has been harassing peace demonstrators, including:

-telling African-American youths that white...

24 March 2003
I read the article on Police FBI/vigilante tactics on the Web site.

I wanted to pass along a similar report of something that happened in Akron. It comes by way of Dana Williams, a volunteer with the Cleveland Indymedia...
23 March 2003
Propaganda has been used for as long as people have been around. Mankind uses propaganda to make it easier to kill one's enemy. When you convince your people that the enemy is subhuman and a threat, a threat that must be stopped, then it...


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