
18 May 2009
Sat. a.m. 5/16/09. Great minds think alike: a very large THANKS!! for your piece on credit unions. Over the past month, I've sent out this message countless times:


17 March 2009
I have yet to meet an environmental group that has not jumped on the band wagon where everyone’s mission is to achieve environmental protection to benefit economic growth. It escapes me how anyone in these times can actually pursue such...
07 March 2009
Dear Free Press,

I believe that peace is no longer an option and without it we will destroy ourselves. Sharing the resources of the earth will create justice and will lead to peace. Only by sharing can we create the trust upon...
20 February 2009
The reason to indict bush isn't so much to prevent another president from doing the same thing, (could we really stoop to that level of incompetence again???), but rather, when leadership permits and glorifies slaughtering, torturing,...
13 February 2009
"I've been through Y2K and I've been through 9/11. I have never seen people so afraid as what we are seeing right now,” said gun shop owner Scott Moss recently. With more guns per capita – easily 250 million privately owned ones – and...
24 January 2009
As I begin this essay, on the morning of my last full day of mourning over the choice my fellow Americans made for President in the two elections preceding the one whose winner will be inaugurated tomorrow, I find myself haltingly...


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