
12 June 2013
If we think at all about our government's military depopulating territory that it desires, we usually think of the long-ago replacement of native Americans with new settlements during the continental expansion of the United States westward...
07 June 2013
As the brutality in Syria begins to spread throughout the region, the United States can no longer afford to choose the time at which it confronts this crisis. The time is now. Bashar-al-Assad’s regime is committing intolerable war crimes...
07 June 2013
Of all the charges against Bradley Manning, the most pernicious -- and revealing -- is "aiding the enemy."

A blogger at _The New Yorker_, Amy Davidson, raised a pair of big questions that now loom over the courtroom at Fort...
07 June 2013
"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world."

I think Archimedes was serious. I know _we_ need to be. Now is the time to choose our future, as the Earth Charter declares. This...
06 June 2013
When President Obama and the first lady travel to Africa at the end of this month, they will receive a rapturous greeting. The president’s deep roots in Kenya, the land of his father, resonate throughout the continent. His success in the...
30 May 2013
Recent events at Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Oklahoma tornado have brought forth some outlandish conspiracy theories. Alex Jones called the Boston bombings a "...


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