When I lived in New York 20 years ago, the United States was beginning a 20-year war on Iraq. We protested at the United Nations. The Miami Herald depicted Saddam Hussein as a giant fanged spider attacking the United States. Hussein was...
19 March 2012
Whereas the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not self-enforcing,
Whereas statement of the inherent dignity and of the equal and supposedly inalienable rights of all members of the human family achieves little...
Whereas the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not self-enforcing,
Whereas statement of the inherent dignity and of the equal and supposedly inalienable rights of all members of the human family achieves little...
17 March 2012
The killer was in his fourth deployment. He walked from his base to one village, then another, leaving behind the lunacy and spiritual wreckage of American foreign policy. Then he walked back to his base and calmly turned himself in....
11 March 2012
Well Mr. Limbaugh, you have certainly done it again. Although this is not
the first time your mouth has spewed such hateful language perhaps it should
be the last time you say anything more on your corporate sponsored program.
Yes, that'...
07 March 2012
1. Iran has threatened to fight back if attacked, and that's a war crime. War crimes must be punished.
2. My television says Iran has nukes. I'm sure it's true this time. Just like with North Korea. I'm sure they're next. We...
2. My television says Iran has nukes. I'm sure it's true this time. Just like with North Korea. I'm sure they're next. We...
07 March 2012
If Congressman Dennis Kucinich becomes simply Dennis Kucinich sans the "Congressman" his value to the peace movement need not diminish.
I admit it's been nice having someone in Congress who would say and do what he would....
I admit it's been nice having someone in Congress who would say and do what he would....