I know it seems like more of a noble sacrifice to cut spending on things people less fortunate than ourselves need, but can somebody explain to me why it wouldn't be at least that noble to eliminate the budget of the CIA, which serves no...
04 November 2010
Democracy in the Middle East continues to be a hugely popular topic of discussion. Its virtues are tirelessly praised by rulers and oppositions alike, by intellectuals and ordinary people, by political prisoners and their prison guards....
31 October 2010
The Daily Monopoly, Columbus Dispatch, that masquerades as a newspaper, ran the following subhead in its editorial in support of Issue 12: “City charter change would provide public with more information.”
If you vote “yes” on...
If you vote “yes” on...
29 October 2010
Hello All Californians.
Sadly, I was never able to your beautiful state in my Earthly lifetime, to my great regret. But you may recall I wrote the book---"Common Sense---that sparked the Revolution that made you free.
Sadly, I was never able to your beautiful state in my Earthly lifetime, to my great regret. But you may recall I wrote the book---"Common Sense---that sparked the Revolution that made you free.
29 October 2010
Everett Dirksen is one of my heroes. The Senate Republican leader from 1959 to 1969, he pushed strongly for Vietnam escalation and took conservative stands that I'd have strongly disagreed with on economic issues. But he joined Lyndon...
28 October 2010
“Ultimately, many of the sentiments expressed by the tea-baggers are deeply dishonest, deeply un-American. We need to keep them in their rightful place as a distinct, if sometimes loud, sometimes dangerous, political minority. We will do...