
11 December 2009
I hope the Dignity in Schools Campaign overflows its banks, spilling awareness into every corner of the country.

"Millions of children and youth are denied educational opportunities in the United States," begins the National...
10 December 2009
Washington D.C. (December 9, 2009) – Following a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement:

"Today, I will begin circulating two privileged...
02 December 2009
There can be no greater gift that you can give your loved ones, or the world, this holiday season than Robert Greenwald's documentary "Rethink Afghanistan."
While President Barry Obama was busy resuscitating Lyndon Johnson's "bright...
02 December 2009
“Why are we in Afghanistan? It is for the oil to the north in the former Soviet republics…We are in Afghanistan because President Barry Obama did not have enough guts to say no to the military industrial complex and to the big oil...
02 December 2009
Deficit reduction:

Our new approach in Afghanistan is likely to cost us roughly 30 billion dollars for the military this year, and I will work closely with Congress to address these costs as we work to bring down our deficit...
01 December 2009
During a televised football game on Sunday, an announcer welcomed the members of the U.S. military viewing the game in 177 nations around the world. When the news came on, the topic was the same one it's been for weeks, speculation as to...


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