
22 June 2009
Will serious health reform meet the fate of the scorpion and the turtle? In that fable, the scorpion pleads with the turtle to carry him across a river. The turtle resists, fearing the scorpion’s sting, but the scorpion reassures him that...
11 June 2009
A healthy rivalry between the branches of government is the soul of our republic, so when the Senate's proposed ban on releasing photos and videos of torture fell short of completely covering things up, the White House proposed allowing...
11 June 2009
It takes at least tacit faith in massive violence to believe that after three decades of horrendous violence in Afghanistan, upping the violence there will improve the situation.

Despite the pronouncements from high...
11 June 2009
Take empathy out of the concept of justice and what you have left are rules: simple, mechanical, lifeless.

“Are we really going to insist,” Texas Sen. John Cornyn asked the other day, after President Obama talked about closing...
27 May 2009
In sacred remembrance of all those we have killed, and are continuing to kill . . .

The flag waves, the heart stirs, the music rends the air. Memorial Day 2009. I stood at a bubbling fountain in downtown Chicago and listened...
24 May 2009
An association representing top advertisers on broadcast and cable television has proposed the creation of a new Cheney Channel dedicated exclusively to the Cheney family, the primary motivation apparently being to get Dick and Liz off all...


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