03 April 2008
The great moral issue of our era is the illegal war in Iraq. Like the issues of slavery, the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War in past epochs, silence on this issue equals complicity.

On March 17, the Citizens...
03 April 2008
What could be more brittle than “Americanism”? What could be more tedious than the mass defense of its teary-eyed, ahistorical ignorance?

We are still in the toddler stage of national awareness, apparently, too young to be...
27 March 2008
The ground feels a little soft, but we’re going to stand it.

Premise one: Having a fair election — all votes counted, all who are eligible and want to vote allowed to vote — is far, far more important, even in 2008, than who...
24 March 2008
Remarks at American University Teach-In on March 22, 2008

Robert Dreyfuss's presentation that I now have to follow was tremendous and I learned a lot, but I disagree with his pessimism. I am fond of the saying "Let's...
24 March 2008
"I trained my weapon on him," Kristopher Goldsmith said. It was a little boy, 6 years old maybe, standing on a roof, menacing the soldiers with a stick. "I was thinking, I hate these Iraqis who throw rocks. I could kill this kid."
24 March 2008
No matter how well Clinton does in the remaining primaries, her future is going to be in the hands of the superdelegates.  It's time for them to exercise their power to rein in scorched-earth campaigning.

Oregon Congressman...


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