In the Fantasy Middle East, the troop surge is helping plucky Iraq get its act together; and Iran, as serious a threat as ever and still lusting to start World War III, awaits liberation by the superpower known as “Johnny Democracy.”...
02 December 2007
When Democrats worry about Hillary Clinton's electability, they focus on her reenergizing a depressed Republican base while demoralizing core Democratic activists, particularly those outraged about the war, and consequently losing the...
29 November 2007
I recently interviewed, for 60 minutes each, two individuals who have walked the walk. Eve Tetaz at age 76 has gone to jail for protesting the occupation of Iraq. Aidan Delgado laid down his weapon in Iraq and declared himself a...
23 November 2007
Jonathan Schell's latest book "The Seventh Decade" places our current situation in the context of the past 62 years of the nuclear age, or the past 68 years as Schell might prefer to date it. It was 68 years ago that scientists concluded...
22 November 2007
"I asked Sgt. Gaskins about his hopes for the future. He replied that he has no future." — psychotherapist Rosemary Masters
This is the cost of our wars, and sooner or later we need to begin paying down the debt. But it is...
This is the cost of our wars, and sooner or later we need to begin paying down the debt. But it is...
21 November 2007
Remarks at Denver, Col., impeachment forum November 17, 2007, organized by "Be the Change."
For the past year or so, every month the moon gets full, and I suddenly get a couple of hundred emails telling me that Nancy...
For the past year or so, every month the moon gets full, and I suddenly get a couple of hundred emails telling me that Nancy...