15 June 2007
There is much that I can agree with or tolerate in Barack Obama's new article in Foreign Affairs. On the occupation of Iraq, he does not favor completely ending it, and he does not mention the ownership of oil, but he does say:
15 June 2007
Cindy Sheehan’s temporary withdrawal — in exhaustion and frustration — from a leadership role in opposition to the war that claimed her son has at least given the mainstream media something to talk about: the antiwar movement’s lack of a “...
13 June 2007
On Monday, Ted Koppel offered a report / commentary on National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" which can be found online (  http://www.npr.org/templates/story/...
11 June 2007
The most creative, energetic, and effective peace activists in the United States right now are women organized explicitly as "CODE PINK: Women for Peace."  While CODE PINK welcomes the participation of men (and when I'm in DC I stay at the...
08 June 2007
Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, said today that there is no question that the warrantless wiretaping engaged in by the Bush Administration is...
07 June 2007
I looked up when Ed pointed to the butte that loomed suddenly in the bend of the mountain road and said, “See. That’s where they should go, right there.”

And for an instant I imagined them towering against the big sky over Los...


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