13 March 2007
The days are getting longer, but the media shadows are no shorter as they cover the war in Iraq through American eyes, squinting in Washington’s pallid sun.

Debated as an issue of politics, the actual war keeps being...
10 March 2007
I’ve received emails thanking me for speaking out on behalf of my son and other troops serving in Iraq. In addition, I’ve received questions about my exchange with Rep. David Obey that was videotaped by a citizens news group, Kathleen...
10 March 2007
I've spoken at impeachment forums, debates, rallies, strategy meetings, and workshops, but tonight's event in Washington, D.C., will be the first I've spoken at since the Vice President's Chief of Staff was convicted for lying to protect...
10 March 2007
If the Republicans in the House vote against the Supplemental spending bill to throw another roughly $100 billion at this war because the bill requires that troops be trained and rested, provides for veterans health care, gives money to...
10 March 2007
The reason I sent the media a video of House Appropriations Chair David Obey (Dem., Wisc.) throwing a bit of a fit http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/19392 was not just to...
10 March 2007
Thank goodness someone is going to get to the bottom of things at Walter Reed's Roach Motel, aka Building 18.

            That likely will be Bob Dole and Donna Shalala. Maybe also Defense Secretary Bob Gates. It won't be...


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