
28 March 2007
Seventy-one members of Congress, all Democrats, most House Members, two Senators, belong to the Congressional Progressive Caucus.  For a couple of years now, the CPC has had a staff person.  More recently it created a website...
26 March 2007
I think Karl Rove should be permitted to testify to Congress in private, without taking any oath, and without any record being kept of what he says.  I had hoped we could avoid the indecency of having to spell out the reason why, but...
26 March 2007
If you could secretly tell a magic genie "Yes" and receive a million dollars but cause the deaths of a million people you've never met in China, would you say No?  This is no longer just a philosophical brain teaser.  The U.S. House of...
23 March 2007
The Supplemental spending bill proposed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi funds the war.  It gives Cheney and Bush roughly another $100 billion.  And you can be quite sure they will spend it as they choose, which may include attacking Iran.  In fact...
23 March 2007
As I was walking across Memorial Bridge a young man I know ran up to me. He's a veteran of this war and a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. After saying hello and a few words, he burst into tears. He said he had just been spat on...
20 March 2007
It began with that monstrous young man so evil we needed to blindfold him and strap him to a board, that confusing young man who looked like Christ but cast us in the role of crucifiers, that treasonous young man who brought dark and...


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