
26 January 2007
I'm still waiting for Art Buchwald's next column.

If I had any decent sources in heaven I'd ask them to get me an interview with him, just to check in, see how the first week went and find out when he's going to start writing...
23 January 2007
Team, huddle up.  Huddle UP!  Now, listen.  I'm not going to even tell you what to do in the second half unless you understand what you did in the first half.  Do you?

You think you're tired and worn down and you got beat bad...
23 January 2007
President George Bush deflects criticism of his war plans by claiming that his critics have no plans of their own.  Vice President Dick Cheney, meanwhile, asserts that matters of war must be left in the hands of the President (presumably...
23 January 2007
Larry Everest made an interesting comment on a panel we did in Memphis last weekend. He said that if Nancy Pelosi, who claims her top priority is ending the war and who claims to support democracy, were to ask people to come to Washington...
22 January 2007
Ever notice how we're always getting the "done deal" treatment from the powers that be? We blunder into Iraq on lies and inanities and suddenly, you know, the proprietors of the Pottery Barn step out from behind the counter and inform us...
20 January 2007
Deep crimson stains mottle the pages of humanity’s history. Untold numbers of souls who were skewered, decapitated, eviscerated, or obliterated in anonymity scream out for recognition as one peruses humankind’s memoirs. While our...


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