16 July 2006
Remarks at Democracy Fest, San Diego, July 15, 2006

More than any other weapons system, the chief products of the military industrial complex are lies.  We just learned this week that Congress was cracking down on corruption...
16 July 2006
The New York Times Sunday Magazine has chimed in for the "bring back nukes" crowd with an ill-conceived screed that completely ignores the reality that the world's power must ultimately come from clean, safe renewable energy and increased...
16 July 2006
"The question that remains is: Are we who want the killing to stop as committed to peace as those who are committed to war?"

Ouch, this is a devilishly tough question, unless you're content to answer it in the negative. Then,...
13 July 2006
A radio show reported yesterday that Republican Texas Congressman Ron Paul said the following:

"I would have trouble arguing that he's been a Constitutional President, and once you violate the Constitution and be proven to do...
13 July 2006
The patterns are much too familar to ignore. Those of us who saw first-hand how the U.S. presidential election of 2004 was stolen here in Ohio cannot avoid the conclusion that Mexico's presidential election is also on the brink of being...
13 July 2006
VENICE -- A few moments after Italy dashed French hopes with that disappointing coda of penalty kicks, Alya and I took a five-minute stroll to the Piazza San Marco to see the locals celebrate their nation's capture of the World Cup for...


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