"What's more moderate than exploring the truth? Is there really partisanship in truth?...We don't need to be afraid to use the word impeachment. It is the process that was set up. It's not a bad word. It stands for accountability. It...
30 November 2005
Newspapers across the United States and beyond told readers Wednesday
about sensational new statements by a former top assistant to Colin
Powell when he was secretary of state. After interviewing Lawrence
Wilkerson, the Associated Press...
30 November 2005
The stench of panic in Washington hangs like a winter fog over Capitol Hill and drifts down Pennsylvania Avenue. The panic stems from the core concern of every politician in the nation's capital: survival. The people sweating are...
24 November 2005
AUSTIN, Texas -- Since the political world ranges from poor to icky these days, you may think we are gratitudinally challenged this Thanksgiving. But a mere soupcon of sunny optimism goes a long way toward getting us to dwell on how lucky...
24 November 2005
When Thanksgiving arrives, the media coverage is mostly predictable.
Feature stories tell of turkeys and food drives for the needy. We
hear about why some people, famous and unknown, say they feel
thankful. And, of course, holiday...
24 November 2005
Since Bill Moyers retired, I watch PBS pretty rarely. I remembered why when
I saw the NOVA special on New Orleans, "The Storm that Drowned a City." It
gave some useful chronology, but in an hour-long program on the genesis and
history of...