09 August 2005
Like Nagasaki, August 9 is an orphan of history.

And in that history, new, definitive evidence has finally surfaced that the atomic bombing there was completely unjustified.

More than 80,000 human beings...
08 August 2005
A lot of people want to believe that the current war on Iraq is some kind of aberration -- a radical departure from the previous baseline of U.S. foreign policy. That’s a comforting illusion.

Yes, the current...
07 August 2005
When super-pundit Robert Novak stormed off the set of a live CNN show Thursday -- just after uttering what the New York Times delicately calls “a profanity” -- it was an unusual episode of TV punditry. With rare exceptions, the slick...
07 August 2005
Norman Solomon's new book, "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death," opens with a disturbing prologue.  The U.S. media has refused to give serious coverage to the Downing Street Memos on the grounds that they...
04 August 2005
On Tuesday, big alarm bells went off in the national media echo chamber, and major U.S. news outlets showed that they knew the drill. Iran’s nuclear activities were pernicious, most of all, because people in high places in Washington said...
03 August 2005
To All Who "Got Up On The Bus", and our attorneys, which includes Bill and Ruth Moss... Thank You for being an important part of my life!  In the passing of Bill Moss, God gains a great worker, and we will carry on stronger with Bills...


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