07 July 2003
These are days when it seems sanity has left us. Civic neurosis is maintained by keeping us living in a constant state of color-coded mental emergency. The besieged mind then retreats into thinking only of those most basic human needs:...
30 June 2003
       AUSTIN -- Congratulations to the Supreme Court on its 6-3 decision in the Texas sodomy law case and to all those, including the gay rights groups and the American Civil Liberties Union, who have fought so long and hard to rid the...
30 June 2003
  Media critics often say that visual images trump words. The claim makes some sense: Pictures have major impacts on how we see the world. And we’re apt to pay less attention to photo captions or the voice-overs that accompany news footage...
26 June 2003
 AUSTIN, Texas -- You've got to hand it to those clever little problem-solvers at the White House. What a bunch of brainiacs. They have resolved the entire problem of global warming: They cut it out of the report!

26 June 2003
The corporate Democrats who greased Bill Clinton's path to the White House are now a bit worried. Their influence on the party's presidential nomination process has slipped. But the Democratic Leadership Council can count on plenty...
24 June 2003
AUSTIN, Texas -- Food fight! Here's a beauty: to vote or not to vote, to favor or not to favor the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill?

        Theoretically, everybody's in favor of a plan to help senior citizens with...


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