13 August 2000
AUSTIN, Texas -- Seems like half of Texas is busy manning the pumps on both sides of the state's reputation.

The Bushies keep trying to prevent the foreign press from portraying us as a place where retarded people are promiscuously...

11 August 2000

The Striking CWA Workers and their Student Allies

The clash between the increasingly corporatized and Republican-dominated OSU administration and the underpaid Communication Workers of America OSU...

10 August 2000
AUSTIN, Texas -- What with George W. Bush moralizing all over us from Philadelphia and Al Gore back in his Dudley Do-Right mode choosing the seriously righteous Joe Lieberman, looks like we're in for a season of moral one-upmanship and...
10 August 2000
It's always dangerous when politicians claim to be doing God's will. So, as the novelty fades from Al Gore's selection of Joseph Lieberman, journalists should ask some probing questions about the ticket's conspicuous piety.

Over the...

07 August 2000
An interesting semi-historical footnote concerning Dick Cheney's oft-reiterated references to President Clinton's weaseling under oath. "He knows what the meaning of 'is' is," says Cheney in his campaign stump speech to show the moral...
06 August 2000
AUSTIN, Texas -- Gosh, the most balloons EVER! I bet all you slackers out there who weren't watching are sorry now.

Just a few hints to Gov. George W. Bush's speechwriter: When you go into the riff about "I want to change the tone of...


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