
30 June 2022

I’ve made my own choices along the path of life — spiritual, mental, physical. I declared myself a non-believer in my parents’ religion at age 16. I’d just read the book Exodus, by Leon Uris, and couldn’t tolerate the church’s...

30 June 2022
The Santa Susana Field Laboratory in 1958, one year before it suffered a partial meltdown. (Photo: US Department of Energy).When the United Nations Human Rights Council ...
30 June 2022

(Dedicated to the memory of Ghassan Kanafani, an iconic Palestinian leader and engaged intellectual who was assassinated by the Israeli Mossad on July 8, 1972)

 Years before the United States...

30 June 2022

“The inescapable conclusion is that a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions. On the contrary, an unbroken tradition of prohibiting abortion on pain of criminal punishment persisted from the...

28 June 2022

GREE-GREE #100 begins with the great ANDREA MILLER of Center for Common Ground telling us how grassroots organizing and Democracy Centers can make a real difference, and could decide the 2022 election.

She’s joined by STEVE...

25 June 2022
One of the reasons that Russian media has been completely blocked in the West, along with the unprecedented control and censorship over the Ukraine war narrative, is the fact that western governments simply do not want their public to know...


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