Why does the United States have more civilian gun deaths then the entire rest of the world combined? Is it because people in the US are more violent? NO.
Is it because people in the US are more...
Why does the United States have more civilian gun deaths then the entire rest of the world combined? Is it because people in the US are more violent? NO.
Is it because people in the US are more...
For years now, the people of Montenegro have sought to protect the Sinjajevina mountain plateau from the destruction to be brought by creating a military training ground vastly...
At GREE-GREE #106, WENDI LEDERMAN starts us off with an astounding listing of grassroots 2022 groups around the US workin on election protection.
We also hear from ZURIE POPE about fascist chaos in Ohio.
And from SUZANNE...
Texas and Arizona have begun busing refugees at their border – at a cost of millions – up to a couple liberal Northern cities . . . let’s see how they like it!
Texas, according to Gov. ...
For years, Palestinians, as well as Israelis, have labored to redraw the battle lines. The three-day Israeli war on Gaza,...
On a shrugged-off afternoon of YouTube wandering, I came upon this: “Is There Life After...