
16 April 2020

This week’s astonishing people’s victory in Wisconsin has shattered the myth of an unbeatable Trump dictatorship.

A gerrymandered legislature and the Trumpite US Supreme Court failed to steal an election they were heavily favored...

15 April 2020

In just a short period of time the world in Russia has changed for
everyone. I’ve started to notice how people around me are going mad.
They’ve started blaming and avoiding other people, making social
distance the...

13 April 2020

I have previously explained how the COVID-19 infection is being used to frighten us into submitting powerlessly to the global elite’s latest move to take much greater control of our lives and...

13 April 2020

There doesn’t seem to be any dispute with the...

13 April 2020

BANGKOK, Thailand -- For the first time in Thailand, a rapidly
spreading "cruel" and "devastating" virus has killed least 186 horses
by attacking the animals' lungs, causing fever and death within hours.


13 April 2020

Donald Trump’s “Perfect Plan” to become dictator in November now runs through 30 Republican-controlled state legislatures, with the pivot in 12-18 swing states.

Anyone hoping for any remnant shreds of human rights and...


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