
03 January 2018


Who defeated the Islamic State In Syria?

Before answering that question. What is the ISIS? Can the public overcome its chronic amnesia and think back to the sudden appearance of ISIS dressed in brand new black uniforms,...

01 January 2018

Bob and Dan dissect the tax reform bill and talk about how the Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating Green Party 2016 presidential candidate Jill Stein about her trip to Russia.


Listen to podcast here: ...

01 January 2018


onduras is bleeding now, and Honduran blood runs from the hands of President Trump and Gen. John Kelly, long a vicar of American violence...

01 January 2018

, 2018, at the University of Baltimore, Maryland. Endorsers include: Alliance for Global Justice, Black Alliance for Peace, CODEPINK, Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, International Action Center, Liberty Tree...

Black background with gray letters saying 2017
31 December 2017

Thank Mother Earth 2017 is finally over. It was a year that chewed me up, crapped me out, made sweet love to me, punched me in the gut, stole my lunch money, made me laugh, pantsed me, and gave me hope. And I’m only talking about...


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