
18 August 2015

Three years after Ecuador’s government granted political asylum to Julian Assange in its small ground-floor London embassy, the founder of WikiLeaks is still there -- beyond the reach of the government whose vice president, Joe Biden,...

17 August 2015


Strange how  intellectual discussion concerning the so-called “Arab Spring” has almost entirely shifted in recent years - from one concerning freedom, justice, democracy and rights in general, into a political wrangle between...

16 August 2015

merican psychologists have ...

13 August 2015

Nobel Peace Laureates Endorse Violence

Robert J. Burrowes

In a recent letter to US President Barack Obama twelve Nobel Peace laureates declared their support for the long history of US elite violence...

11 August 2015

I've found there isn't really any way to touch on this topic without misunderstanding, but here's a try. Iran has never had a nuclear weapons program or threatened to launch a war against the U.S. or Israel. Many opponents of the Iran...

11 August 2015


The US added Yemen to its 14 years of continuous war somewhere

he American-backed genocidal...


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